Kingston Man Charged With House Breaking and Larceny



Thirty-year-old Teswayne Williams otherwise called ‘Big Wayne’ a construction worker of Habour Heights, Kingston was charged with House Breaking and Larceny following an incident in the community on Friday, August 2.

Reports from the Habour View police are that between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. the complainant securely locked up her home and left for work. On her return, she saw that her home had been broken into. She realized that several items were missing including $1000 JMD. She made enquires where an eyewitness told her a few details about the incident.

She reported the incident to the police where Williams was pointed out by an eyewitness and subsequently arrested and charged on Wednesday, August 21.

A court date is being arranged for him.

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