Hanover Men Facing Multiple Offenses

Thirty-one-year-old Howard Campbell a carpenter and twenty-nine-year-old Horrace Riggon both of Mt.Pellier in Sandy Bay, Hanover has been charged with Shooting with Intent and Using a Prohibited Weapon to Commit a Felony following an incident in their community on Wednesday, July 31.

Reports from the Lucea Police are that about 12:20 a.m., Campbell entered the complainants home and proceeded to fire several shots in his direction.The man managed to escape unhurt through a back door. Whilst attempting to escape he saw Riggon outside holding a firearm.

Both men escaped in the area, and the police were summoned. Both men were later apprehended and positively pointed out by the complainant on an identification parade on Thursday, August 15. They were subsequently charged.

A court date is being arranged for both men.