The Westmoreland Division has achieved an impressive 66.6% increase in the number of guns seized since the start of the year compared to the same period last year, seizing 18 more weapons so far in 2024. This achievement underscores the Division’s dedication to making the parish a safer place for all its residents and sends a strong message to criminal elements that they will not find a safe haven in Westmoreland.

The commanding officer for the parish, Superintendent Othneil Dobson, expressed his pride in the Division’s accomplishments. “The results we are seeing are a testament to the hard work and dedication of our officers. Their relentless efforts to rid our communities of illegal firearms and ammunition have been instrumental in our fight against crime,” said Superintendent Dobson. “Westmoreland is not open for business for criminals. We are making it clear that anyone engaging in illegal activities will face the full force of the law.”

Of particular note, 14 of these weapons, including seven high-powered military-grade assault rifles, have been seized in just the last three weeks. This significant seizure highlights the Division’s effectiveness in disrupting criminal activities and preventing potentially devastating incidents. Alongside the firearms, over 460 rounds of ammunition have been seized, marking a 5% increase over the same period the previous year.

Superintendent Dobson commended his team for their exceptional work, stating, “Our officers have shown unparalleled bravery and commitment in tackling the threats posed by armed criminals. The recent surge in weapon seizures demonstrates our strategic focus and unwavering resolve to protect our communities. The message is clear: criminals will not find safe haven here in Westmoreland. I must also commend our partner agencies within the JCF and our colleagues in



the Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) for their unwavering support in achieving this milestone.”

A key factor in these successes has been the consistent targeting of the notorious King’s Valley Gang. This gang has been a significant source of illegal weapons and violence in the parish. Superintendent Dobson highlighted the Division’s targeted strategies, which have led to substantial breakthroughs in disrupting the gang’s operations. “Through intelligence-driven operations and strategic planning, we have made significant inroads into dismantling the King’s Valley Gang. Our approach includes increased patrols, targeted raids, and community engagement, all aimed at breaking the back of crime in the parish,” he explained.

The recent operations against the gang have not only resulted in the recovery of illegal firearms and ammunition but have also led to numerous arrests. These arrests have been crucial in weakening the gang’s hold on the community and disrupting their criminal activities. The Police have been vigilant in monitoring known hotspots and employing undercover operations to gather critical intelligence, further enhancing their ability to strike at the heart of criminal networks.

Superintendent Dobson reiterated the Police’s commitment to maintaining the momentum in the fight against crime. “We will continue to apply pressure on criminal elements and remain steadfast in our mission to ensure the safety and security of all residents. The Westmoreland Division is determined to make our communities safer and more secure,” he affirmed. “Our message to criminals is simple: Westmoreland is not a place for you. We will not tolerate any form of criminal activity, and we will do everything in our power to bring those responsible to justice.”

The remarkable achievements of the Westmoreland Division in recent months are a clear indication of the effectiveness of the new strategies and the dedication of the officers. The Division has also been proactive in engaging with the community, fostering partnerships that enhance public safety and build trust. Community policing initiatives, including outreach programs and regular meetings with local leaders, have been instrumental in gathering valuable information and fostering a cooperative relationship with the public.

With continued efforts and community support, the Division is well on its way to achieving even greater successes in the fight against crime. The Police remain committed to upholding the law and ensuring that Westmoreland remains a safe and welcoming place for law-abiding citizens, while making it abundantly clear that criminals will not find a safe haven within its borders.