Curfews are in effect in communities in three policing divisions. These curfews began on Friday evening and will remain in force until 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, February 9.

When a curfew is in force, residents are required to remain indoors unless they are authorized to move about by the commander in charge of enforcing the curfew.

The communities under curfew include:
– Sections of Mandeville, Porus, Williamsfield and Christiana in the Manchester Division
– Sections of Spanish Town in the St. Catherine North Division
– Sections of the St. Andrew North Division, including Whitehall Avenue, Cassava Piece and
Rock Hall.
The coordinates for each community are listed below.

The boundaries for Williamsfield and Mandeville Police areas are as follows:

North: East along an Imaginary line from Royal Flat road, 2800 meters to an area of Bartley
Town Community.

East: South along an Imaginary line, 7600 meters from the northern boundary at Bartley Town
community, to an area of vegetation in the Hillside Community.

South: Westerly along an Imaginary line, 2500 meters from an area of vegetation at the eastern
boundary at the Hillside Community, to an area of Vegetation in the Rent Land Street

West: Northerly along an Imaginary line, 7500 meters from the southern boundary at the Rent
Land community to the northern border of Royal Flat Road.

These boundaries are as follows:

North: East along an Imaginary line from the Intersection of the toll road and Melrose district,
2000 meters to a section of Porus main road in the vicinity of Barnett Street.

East: South along an Imaginary line, 2400 meters from the northern boundary at the Porus Main
road to Redberry district.

South: Westerly along an Imaginary line from the eastern boundary, 2000 meters to an area of
vegetation to the broadleaf community.

West: Northerly along an Imaginary line from  Redberry at the southern boundary, 1300 meters to
the northern border at the toll road and Melrose district.


These boundaries are as follows

North: East along an Imaginary line from Craighead, 10km to an area of vegetation to silent Hill.

East: South along an Imaginary line, 1.5km from the northern boundary to an area of vegetation
at Silent Hill.

South: Westerly along an Imaginary line from the eastern boundary, 10km to a section of the
main road at Craighead.

West: Northerly along an Imaginary line from the southern boundary, 1km from the northern
boundary (Bordered by Troy district, Trelawny)


The boundaries for the curfew are as follows:

North: Along an imaginary line from the Mountain Ridge from Mountain View Primary School
to the Cane River Falls.

South: Along the coastline from the bridge at 10 Miles Bull Bay to Flag Circle.

East: Along an imaginary line from Cane River Falls to the bridge at 10 Miles Bull Bay.

West: Along South Camp Road from Flag Circle to Vineyard Road onto an imaginary line to the
Mountain View Primary School.

The boundaries of the Rock Hall district curfew are:

North: From Rock Hall Church with an imaginary line running to Rock Hall Methodist Church.

East: From Rock Hall Methodist Church with an imaginary line running to the intersection of
Curtis Drive and Topper Hill Road.

South: From the intersection of Curtis Drive and Topper Hill Road with an imaginary line
running to Faith Deliverance Church of God along Silgoville Road.

West: From Faith Deliverance Church of God with an imaginary line running to Rock Hall
Church of God.

The boundaries of the White Hall Avenue curfew are:

North: From the Donmair close cul-de-sac with an imaginary line to the intersection of
Roehampton close and Mannings Hill Road.

East: Along Mannings Hill Road from the intersection of Roehampton Close and Mannings Hill
Road to the intersection Lawrence Avenue and Mannings Hill Road.

South: Along Lawrence Avenue from the intersection of Mannings Hill Road and Lawrence
Avenue to the intersection Swansea Avenue and Cadet Drive.

West: From intersection Swansea Avenue and Cadet Drive to the Donmair Close cul-de-sac.

The boundaries of the Cassava Piece community curfew are:

North: From Grosvenor Heights to the intersection of Grosvenor Terrence and Constant Spring

South: From the intersection of Constant Spring Road leading to Cassava Piece Road onto
Clifford Boulevard and Mannings Hill Road.

East: From the intersection of Grosvenor Terrence and Constant Spring Road to the intersection
of Cassava Piece Road and Constant Spring Road.

West: From the intersection of Clifford Boulevard and Mannings Hill Road to the intersection of
Mannings Hill Road and Glen Drive to Grosvenor Heights.


The boundaries of the curfew are:

North: From Spanish Town by-pass and March Pen Road traveling along March Pen Road to the
intersection of Burke Road and March Pen Road.

East: From the intersection of Port Henderson Road travel along Burke Road to the Hospital

South: From the intersection of Burke Road and Hospital Bridge traveling along an imaginary to
the intersection Port Henderson Road and Lilliput Road.

West: From the intersection Lilliput Road and Port Henderson traveling along Lilliput Road
travel along an imaginary line to the intersection of Spanish Town bypass and March Pen Road.

Oxford Road and Railway Premises

The boundaries of the curfew are:

North: From intersection of Spanish Town By-Pass and Oxford Road to the Train line along
Oxford Road.

East: From the Train line at Oxford Road to the intersection of the Train Line at March Pen Road.

South:   From the intersection of the Train Line at March Pen Road and Spanish Town Bypass to
the intersection of March Pen Road and Spanish Town Bypass.

West: From the intersection of March Pen Road to the intersection of Oxford Road and the Train

During the hours of the curfew, persons within its boundaries are required to remain
indoors unless otherwise authorized by the person in charge of enforcing the curfew.

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