September 26, 2020 –  The Kingston Eastern Police seized three firearms—one of them an assault rifle—in two incidents in the division on Friday, September 25. 


In the first incident, about 5:30 p.m., a police team that was on McWhinney Street, Kingston 16 reportedly saw a group of men fleeing. Lawmen then searched the area and one Mac-10 sub-machine gun with a magazine containing fourteen 9mm rounds of ammunition was found in a refrigerator. 


No one was arrested in relation to this seizure.


In the second incident, about 9:40 p.m., lawmen were on Foreshore Road in Port Royal, Kingston 1 when they saw a motor car travelling along the roadway with three men aboard. The men’s actions allegedly aroused the cops’ suspicion and the driver of the motor car was signalled to stop; he complied. 


The Police team subsequently searched the motor vehicle and found one AK-47 assault rifle with a magazine containing twenty 7.62 rounds of ammunition as well as one 9mm Taurus pistol with a magazine containing thirteen 9mm rounds of ammunition. 


All three men were taken into custody; their identities are being withheld pending further investigations.


Investigations continue into both incidents.