Curfews have been imposed in sections of the St. Catherine North Division. The curfews began at 6:00 p.m on Saturday, November 19, and will remain in effect until 6:00 p.m on Monday, November 21.

The boundaries of the curfew are as follows:


NORTH: From the intersection of 41 Old Harbour Road traveling along the perimeter wall about

400m to 38 Valdez Road.


SOUTH: End of the eastern boundary travelling along Lawrence Drive about 300m to Old

Harbour Road.


EAST: Traveling along an imaginary line going across Valdez Road about 600m to Lawrence



WEST: From the intersection of Lawrence Drive and Old Harbour Road main road about 500m

to the starting of northern boundary.


NORTH: From the intersection of Worchester Road and Sydenham Avenue travelling about 750 metres to the intersection of Sydenham Avenue and

Federal Avenue.

SOUTH: From the intersection of Morgan’s Lane and Old Harbour Road about 700 metres to the train line.

EAST: From the intersection of Sydenham Avenue and Central Avenue travelling about 900 metres along an imaginary line to the intersection of

Morgan’s Lane and Old Harbour Road.


WEST: From the train line and Morgan’s Lane travelling along the train Llne and continuing about 800 metres along an imaginary line to the

intersection of Worchester and Sydenham Avenue.


Persons within the boundaries of the curfew are reminded that they are required to remain within their premises unless otherwise authorized in writing by the ground commander.